You Don't Need A Climatologist To Know .....Islands in Arabia over at
Informed Comment led me to ponder...
"In the Levant, endless empires have come and gone. Living here naturally turns one’s mind to the long view. In July of 2006, the American University of Beirut may seem vulnerable and Israel invincible, which is more likely to exist in 500 years? Perhaps now is a time to think about these most basic issues.
What kind of island is likely to persist: one with open gates, or one with high walls? One that is a meeting place of cultures, or one that strives for cultural purity?" -
Which came out on top, Apple or Microsoft? The US or the USSR?
Why do we allow a racist ideology (Likud) to determine our future?
I see a fundamental problem with Israel. Fundamental here means basic, of composing a foundation, forming a principle which determnes all future decisions.
The fundamental problem with Israel is its delenda est goyim approach to all conflict. Never does Israel consider it has wronged the other party.
We see this attitude frequently in individuals. They go by the label personality disorder. The fault is always external, never internal.
Consequently, Israel never learns from its mistakes. Past errors (the atrocities in Lebanon, the atrocities in Jenin, the atrocities in Fallujah!) never render the insight necessary to allow smarter future behavior.
We see this flaw in individuals. They go by the name of sociopath.
What happens to such individuals? Sometimes they succeed. George Walker Bush is President of the United States, but only because of his supporters. I think Poppy helped.
What about others? Often, they succeed as well, but only until circumstances catch up with them. Ken Lay, ultimately a loser. Now a dead loser.
Israel is like Bush. Israel's "Poppy" is the United States of America.
The United States of America under Bush is like Ken Lay in that time before Enron imploded.
Enron is a good analogy; after some greed-based, poor decision making, while better options were still available, Enron entered a period where only bad options were available. Only bad options, which had led either to catastrophes in the short-term, or slightly less bad options, which led to catastrophes in the slight less short-term, were available.
After a period of bad, Douglas-Feith like, decision making, a bad future was guaranteed.
The US is now like Enron in the Middle East. Strangely, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and, what the heck, Jonah Goldberg have a lot to do with that, but unlike Enron CEO/CFO,COO types, they do not have exposure to the consequences. Damn!
The US is now like Enron in the Middle East. The US Armed Forces are like all those Enron shareholders who were told to hold their stock. The US citizenry is like California, which suffered power outages so bad they elected a theatrical image to be governor.
There are no longer any good choices to be made in the Middle East. And yet, we send Conduhleezza Rice to negotiate with Klaus von Olmert. Why? What does she expect to gain from this trip except entries into her timesheet? A bit of authentic Jordan River Holy Water?
We have no good options in the MidEast. Any decision made now will have an unacceptable outcome. This is because we employed unacceptable, racist-based principles at the outset to please our Likud/Israeli masters. It is also because certain Arab and non-Arab Muslims have already accepted the downside of their circumstances and have been engaged in reality based planning for quite some time now. It is because these reality based Arab and non-Arab Muslims have outplayed us on our own chess board.
Perhaps we could use our vast and powerful entertainment industry, television, film and news, to introduce to the American people the idea that all people are created equal before the creator (John Shelby Spong definition at use here), and we intend to return to our founding principles and drag Israel, whatever is left after the post-Likudnik Exodus, kicking and screaming, scratching, biting, crying, moaning, sobbing and gnashing of teething, accusing of anti-semitisming etc. etc. barf barf woof woof, with us, back to the League of Humanity.
My apologies for that (Bob) Dylanesque excess just now. Time to mow the lawn.
About that wall:
Israel's Apartheid wall exists for no purpose other than to steal land from the indengenous Arabs who live there. The idea behind the wall is to blame the Arabs for being Arabs. Israel can either continue to deny reality and to quietly murder Arabs, or Israel can admit its failures and return the land. Either course of action has bad consequences.