An asteroid narrowly missed turning all humanity into dinasaurs. Never fear, fearless leader is going ahead full steam with his backup plan.
This is what Israel is actually proposing all along. Gaza has become an illegal concentration camp. The West Bank is almost uninhabitable due to Israel's policy of rewarding Israeli squatters and punishing Palestinian landowners, in both cases merely for being who they are.
"The Israeli strike against the main electricity plant in Gaza will produce a bill into the tens of millions of dollars for the American taxpayer." - www.juancole.com
Today's news mentions the price tag at $48.1B. It also mentions that Israel will construct power lines to makeup the deficit. Of course, the Palestinians will have to pay Israel for that power.
I never believed Sharon meant to relinquish control of Gaza. The recent Israeli atrocities are designed to provide an excuse for re-establishing military control. The press will speak of the inability of the Palestinians to govern themselves. The press will ignore the IDF provocations leading up to this crisis.
Sharon's plan for Gaza is to use it as an expulsion vehicle for the Palestinian population in Israel and the West Bank. Conditions there will be kept deplorable. The border crossing with Egypt will open at intervals to allow Palestinians to flee if they can.
Look for transfers from those areas to Gaza of "militants" under the guise of "disabling the infrastructure of terror. Ignore the charges that Israel is committing a War Crime each and every time it commits and act of transfer.
The two state solution is a sham. The only moral solution, which Michael Tarazi promotes, is for Israel to make all Palestinians within the borders of Israel military control Israeli citizens.