A Better Class of Terrorist, Please.Billmon exposes some of the Israeli discontent with the current behavior of Hizbollah.
For instance, the fighters appear to be cowardly because they hide from Israel tanks, but then they fight to the death and insist on killing Israel mart^H^H^H^H soldi^H^H^H^H^H military victims.
This is unacceptable. In the interest of World Peace, I am formulating a set of parameters for consideration by all current and future terrorist organizations.
1. State plainly that Israel does not have the right to exist. Include examples of tacit recognition of the plight of the post WWII Jewish refugees.
2. Establish an easily recognizable identity in order that persons such as Secretary of State/Minister of Truth Condaleeza Rice, Presidente George W. Bush and various House democrats do not become confused regarding your purpose. Become responsible members of governments. Implement social services. Carry Kalashnikov rifles.
3. (Very important). Open a liason office with Israeli Air Defense. Negotiate times and places for your troops to stand in plain view of Israeli aircraft in order that Israel may conduct fair and balanced military operations. Use blue paint.
4. Please, please consider the use of blanks in your rifles. This makes it safe(r) for western press to accompany Israeli troops as they bravely confront "hails of small arms fire" and evedntually win. If any of your armed militants insist on actually being armed, a penalty kick will be awared to Israel.