
Monday, June 26, 2006


A Most Unpleasant Thought

Asher Karni, an Israeli citizen, was convicted of selling US made nuclear spark gap triggers, presumedly to an underground nuclear arms black market centered in Pakistan and to other countries. Wikipedia and the PBS program Frontline provide details.

Now, there is a great deal of hysteria coming from the neo-con/Zionist sector regarding supposed nuclear weapons of mass destruction as well as a great mass expression of reproof, rebuttal and, sadly, repugnance coming from the reality based [ambiguity mode on] left side of the blogosphere representing humanity. [ambiguity mode off]

What if the neo-con/Zionists know something we on the reality side of humanity don't, namely that there are Nuclear Warheads Out There and they know it because their ilk is responsible for selling them to potential terrorists?

Implausible? Ney, more plausible than a national TV network giving air time to the likes of Jonah Goldberg or Ann Coulter.


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