Monday, June 26, 2006
Leader Tips, Part Tres(It's a Wilbury's Thing)
Fearless Leader said,
"QUESTION: I know you are not planning to see Al Gore's new movie, but do you agree with the premise that global warming is a real and significant threat to the planet --
BUSH: I think it's -- I have said consistently that global warming is a serious problem. There's a debate over where it's man-made or naturally caused. We ought to get beyond that debate and start implementing that -- the technologies necessary to -- to enable us to achieve a couple of big objectives: one, be good stewards of the environment; two, become less dependent on foreign sources of oil, for economic reasons and for national security reasons.That's why we're pressing for clean coal technology. That's why the hydrogen initiative is -- is robust. In other words, we want our children being able to drive cars not fueled by gasoline but by hydrogen. That's why I've been a strong advocate of ethanol as an alternative source of -- of fuel to run our cars.I strongly believe that we ought to be developing, you know, safe nuclear power. The truth of the matter is, if this country was -- it wants to get rid of its greenhouse gases, we got to have nuclear power industry be vibrant and viable.And so I believe in -- and I've got a plan to be able to deal with greenhouse gases."
Dear Fearless Leader,
You got part of it. Here's the rest, and when I write Dude, I mean it in a nice way.
Dude, Clean Coal Technology has more to do with not seeing our economy go kaputnik as Peak Oil plays out than it does with global warming. Clean Coal Technology is actually harmful from a climate change perspective.
Fossil fuels have high energy density (putting your elbow onto the lecturn and saying) It mean's you get a lot of fire out of every pound of fuel.
Diesel has a very high energy density. Coal has a lower energy density.
Hydrogen is not a fossil fuel. Hydrogen is a storage fuel. You use hydrogen to make electricityportable for use in an internal combustion engine.
Nuclear is not a fossil fuel either, but it a source like fossil fuels. You do not have to burn up something else to get uranium. You do have to burn something to get hydrogen. Like burning oilin an oil fired power plant or like "burning" uranium in a nuclear power plant.
Coal, oil, gas and uranium are our sources.
Hydrogen, ethanol and bio-diesel are the "battery" fuels produced by consuming something else.
Dude: You got to concentrate on what can be done.
Clue: While fuel is still relatively cheap, susbsidize the stockpiling of steel. Stockpile I-b eams, W-beams, H-columns, rebar and most importantly, stockpile heavy rail.
Later on, when the price of fuel goes sky-high-sky and the dollar has gone all kaputnik, we Americans will say to ourselves, "Now, wasn't that George W. Bush real smart making us stockpile steel? Because if he hadn't, we would not be able to rebuild our rail system.
You see, Dude, transportation costs, I'm talking about the real cost in terms of time and fuel, are what's going to devastate this nation when Peak Oil hits, but if President Bush (you) plans in advance, then the reconstruction will be a thing of great national pride and if your right-wing talking heads talk it up enough, Dude, then we will remember you were the one with vision.
Because, Dude, if you don't do it, we will remember you were the one too caught up in Iraq to worry about our future.
So, hydrogen is good. We will need the technology, but even better is to use cheap oil now in massive transportation projects and in stockpiling steel for later on when oil becomes too expensive.
Be a great president, plan for our future.
Thanks, Dude
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
December 2008
January 2009